理学院线上学术报告:Blow-up, scattering and invariant manifolds: long-time dynamics of nonlinear wave equations of energy super-critical growth


报告题目:Blow-up, scattering and invariant manifolds: long-time dynamics of  nonlinear wave equations of energy super-critical  growth



腾讯会议号:853 651 696,密码:0630

邀请人:程 星


We study the focusing nonlinear wave equation (NLW) outside a ball  subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition with energy super-critical  nonlinearity. This equation admits finite-time blow-up solutions and a countable  sequence of radial stationary solutions. We classify all radial stationary  solutions and prove that all radial global solutions of NLW are asymptotically  the sum of a stationary solution and a radiation term. We shall also study the  local dynamics around a stationary solution: construct center-stable manifolds  close to every stationary solution and show that the solutions scattering to the  stationary solution in question weave out a Lipschitz manifold of finite  codimension, which is invariant under the flow of nonlinear wave. We conjecture  the set O, of initial data leading to finite-time blow-up solutions is open,  whose boundary coincides with the invariant manifolds, which  separates O away from the open set of scattering solutions. This work is joint  with Thomas Duyckaerts (LAGA (UMR 7539), Université Paris  13).



杨建伟主要从事调和分析与偏微分方程的研究,曾在北京国际数学中心和巴黎十三大从事博士后研究工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金。杨建伟博士已发表11SCI学术论文, 特别地,在Anal. PDE, J. Funct. Anal., Commun. Contemp.  Math.等国际著名数学杂志发表重要研究工作,他的工作受到国内外同行的广泛关注。