钟勇高级讲师学术报告会--Crowd Learning and Teaching of Translation/Interpreting: Presenting a Curriculum 2.0 model plus a case study



题   目:Crowd Learning and Teaching of Translation/Interpreting: Presenting a Curriculum 2.0 model plus a case study

报 告 人:钟勇 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学高级讲师

时   间:2015年11月13日(周五)14:00-15:20

地   点:江宁博学楼辅A410



  钟勇,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)国际传播专业博士毕业,现任澳大利亚新南威尔士大学高级讲师。在翻译理论与实践、国际传播领域研究独树一帜。现任国际期刊Rural Education主编,Meta编委。钟勇博士致力于推动翻译学及教育学的创新,关注学生的学习体验和感受,热衷于缩短教育和现实社会及科学技术发展的距离。2009年获得澳大利亚国家教育创新大奖。


  The presentation centers on a new conceptual teaching approach known as Curriculum 2.0, developed on the basis of over ten years of action research, which it explains through a model presented in this paper. The author starts by looking into the contexts giving birth to the teaching approach, including especially the advent of the Web 2.0 era, which was characterized by especially crowd production and sharing of content and which inspired and informed Curriculum 2.0. The author then proceeds to the model, explains what each of elements means and symbolizes and compares it to an older model (i.e., that of rote learning). To help better sense to be made of the model and the teaching approach, the author identifies four characteristics which distinguishes Curriculum 2.0 model from a typical rote-learning model: genuine student centralization in learning and teaching, student engagement in crowd production and learning of content, individualized and expansionist learning, and contractual and plan-based assessment. The paper concludes with a case study showing how the new approach works in a translation and an interpreting course.
