港航院学术报告:River - Estuary - Coastal zone, A coherent dynamic system(Hubrecht Johannis de Vriend,代尔夫特理工大学河流工程与地貌学名誉教授)


报告地点:严恺馆702会议室,也欢迎在线参会(腾讯会议:446-490-149 )

报告题目:River - Estuary - Coastal zone, A coherent dynamic system

报告人:Hubrecht Johannis de Vriend,代尔夫特理工大学河流工程与地貌学名誉教授


Professor Huib de Vriend is a emeritus professor River Engineering & Morphology of Delft University of Technology. Before his retirement in 2012 he was director science of Deltares (formly WL Delft Hydraulics) and a professor of River Engineering and Morphology at Delft University of Technology.

Prof. de Vriend was the director of the EcoShape Foundation, which co-ordinates the ‘Building with Nature’ innovation programme executed by a consortium of government agencies, universities, research organisations, consultants and engineering contractors. He has over 200 scientific publications in the fields of rivers, estuarine, coastal and seabed dynamics. Prof. de Vriend is a member of the Dutch National Commission for the EIA and member of the thinktank on flood safety of the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.

Huib de Vriend 教授是代尔夫特理工大学河流工程与地貌学名誉教授。在 2012 年退休之前,他是Deltares(前身为WL Delft Hydraulics)的科学部主任,也是代尔夫特理工大学河流工程与地貌学的教授。

Huib de Vriend 教授曾一直担任 EcoShape 基金会的主任,该基金会负责协调由政府机构、大学、研究机构、顾问和工程承包商组成的联盟执行的“与自然共建”创新计划。他在河流、河口、海岸和海底动力学领域发表了 200 多篇科学出版物。Huib de Vriend教授是荷兰国家环境影响评估委员会成员,荷兰基础设施和环境部洪水安全智库成员。