港航院学术报告:Coastal wetlands as nature-based flood and erosion protection solution – the evidence base(Iris Moeller,都柏林圣三一大学地学院院长,教授)




Coastal wetlands as nature-based flood and erosion protection solution – the evidence base


Iris Moeller,都柏林圣三一大学地学院院长,教授


Prof Iris Moeller completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge. She joined the University of Cambridge’s Coastal Research Unit as a Research Associate and Deputy Director in 1997. She took up a full-time College Lectureship in Physical Geography at Fitzwilliam College in 2000, and from 2014 to 2019, she held a University Lectureship in Physical Geography (Coastal Processes) at the Department of Geography at Cambridge.

At present, Iris Moeller is a Professor at the Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin and took on the Head of Department role there. She is internationally recognised for her work on the buffering function of shallow coastal environments with a strongly applied focus on improving coastal flood and erosion risk management, particularly in the context of accelerated sea level rise and climate change. She has been leading a number of national and international research consortia on the science to underpin nature-based coastal protection, coastal wetland management, and coastal climate change adaptation.