理学院学术报告:Convergences of regularized algorithms with random projections(林俊宏 浙江大学研究员)

报告题目:Convergences of regularized algorithms with random projections


报告时间:2022年5月19日周四 14:00-15:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 952772470



报告摘要:In the setting of nonparametric regression over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, we investigate regularized algorithms adapted to an orthogonal projection operator on a closed subspace of the RKHS. We prove convergence results with respect to variants of norms under a capacity assumption on the hypothesis space and a regularity condition on the target function. As a result, we obtain optimal rates for regularized algorithms with randomized sketches, provided that the sketch dimension is proportional to the effective dimension up to a logarithmic factor.

 报告人简介:林俊宏,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师;浙江大学数学系博士,香港城市大学数学系、意大利理工学院、瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学电子工程系博士后、研究员。主要研究方向为压缩感知理论、学习理论、数据科学中的应用数学方法。已在《Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis》、《Inverse Problems》、《Journal of Machine Learning Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》、《International Conference on Machine Learning》、《Neural Information Processing Systems》等国际著名期刊/会议上发表论文数篇。受邀担任AAAI、ICML、IJCAI、NeurIPS、UAI等著名会议的PC members和多个重要期刊的评审专家。共承担各类项目多项,包括:主持国家自然科学基金项目两项、参与三项;参与国家重点研发计划项目等。入选国家“青年拔尖人才”、浙江省“创新人才”(长期项目)。