理学院学术报告:第四届数理文化节主旨报告:Mathematics in data science

报告题目:    Mathematics in data science

报告人:          沈佐伟  院士

报告人单位:  新加坡国立大学数学系

报告日期:    20223 14日星期一

报告时间:    1545开始(北京时间)

腾讯会议号:  676-794-908(密码0314


报告摘要:We are living in the era of big data. The discovery, interpretation and usage of the information, knowledge and resources hidden in all sorts of data to benefit human beings and to improve everyone’s day to day life is a challenge to all of us. The huge amount of data we collect nowadays is so complicated, and yet what we expect from it is so much. This provides many challenges and opportunities to many fields, especially,  the field of mathematical science.  In this talk, we will show by examples how mathematics has been playing important roles in the era of big data. We will further discuss how mathematics can move the frontier of data science and what kind of challenges mathematicians face in this era of big data.                              
