报告题目:Study of wave-current-ice interactions over the northwest Atlantic(西北大西洋波浪海流及海冰相互作用研究)
报告时间:2021年7月2日 上午10:00
报 告 人:林尚飞
林尚飞,本科和硕士毕业于河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院,于2021年在加拿大达尔豪斯大学获得物理海洋学博士学位。博士毕业后加入香港科技大学从事博士后工作。主要研究方向为海洋波浪与海流数值模拟,波浪海流及海冰相互作用,及海气交换。主要结合现场观测,卫星数据与数值模型,研究海洋表面重力波在海洋大气系统中的重要作用。研究成果发表在Ocean Modelling, Continental Shelf Research, Atmosphere-Ocean 等国际知名学术期刊上。
This study investigates the effects of important physical processes of the wave-current-ice interactions on the surface waves and three-dimensional (3D) circulations in the northwest Atlantic (NWA). These physical processes include the wind input, wave dissipation, depth-induced wave breaking, and wave dissipation and scattering in ice for wave evolution and wave-current interactions (WCIs). The approaches include analyses of observational data and the use of numerical models with different levels of complexity for surface waves and 3D circulations. A one-way coupled wave-circulation-ice model for the NWA is developed to evaluate four different packages (known as ST2/3/4/6) for the wind input and wave dissipation. The model results demonstrate that ST6 has the best performance but underestimates significant wave heights (SWHs) under the swell-dominated sea states partially due to low drag coefficient. The model is also used to investigate wave propagations in ice. Wave scattering significantly modifies wave parameters in ice over the NWA during winter storms due to the nonlinear effect on the wind input. To improve the performance of the commonly-used drag coefficient, a new parameterization of the drag coefficient is proposed based on observations. The new parameterization has different dependences of sea surface roughness on the wave age under different sea states and thus reduces deficiencies of three existing parameterizations. A new parameterization for depth-induced wave breaking over shallow waters is also proposed, in which the breaker index has a nonlinear dependence on the bottom slope. The new parameterizations of drag coefficient and depth-induced wave breaking are used in a two-way coupled wave-circulation model for the study of WCIs during Hurricanes Earl and Igor in 2010. The inclusion of WCIs in the coupled model significantly improves the model performance. Wave propagations are strongly affected by hurricane-driven currents, tides, and large-scale circulations. Surface waves modulate tides mainly due to the wave-induce bottom stress and enhance the storm surge mainly due to additional wave forces. Surface waves also affect the current patterns, water temperature and salinity from the surface to depths of more than ~100 m during hurricanes.