报告题目:The Strength Reduction Method in Geotechnical Stability Analysis
报 告 人:Prof. Scott Sloan 英国皇家学会、英国皇家工程院、澳洲科学院、澳洲工程院院士,第51届Rankine讲座主讲人
时 间:2015年10月20日 (周二)下午 3:50
地 点:河海大学江宁校区 力材楼 313 室
主办单位:力材院 计算力学研究所
Laureate Professor Scott Sloan BE, MEngSci (Monash), MPhil, PhD (Cantab), CPEng, MASCE, FIEAust, FAA, FTSE, FRS, FREng
Scott Sloan is a University Laureate Professor, a former Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellow, a former ARC Federation Fellow, and the founding director of the 180-strong ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering (http://cgse.edu.au/). He is also an elected Fellow of the Royal Society (英国皇家院士), the Royal Academy of Engineering (皇家工程院士), the Australian Academy of Science (澳洲科学院士)and the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (澳洲工程院士).
In 2005 he received the Monash University Alumnus of the Year Award in Civil Engineering, in 2011 he was invited by the British Geotechnical Society to present the 51st Rankine Lecture (the highest accolade available to a geotechnical engineer), and in 2015 he was named as the NSW Scientist of the Year and by Engineers Australia as one of his country’s Top 100 Most Influential Engineers.
His research contributions have been recognised by various awards including the 2000 Telford Medal and the 2007 Telford Premium from the ICE London (for the best paper published in any of the Institution’s journals and the best paper on applied mechanics, respectively), an invitation to give the 2003 E H Davis Lecture from the Australian Geomechanics Society (for outstanding contributions to theoretical geomechanics), a Centenary Medal in 2003 from the Prime Minister of Australia (for service to Australian Society in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering), the 2005 Desai Medal and 2008 Booker Medal from the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (for outstanding contributions to computational geomechanics), the 2005 Thomas A Middlebrooks Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (for a paper of special merit in the field of geotechnical engineering), and a 2010 Fellows Award from the International Association of Computational Mechanics.
Professor Sloan is a co-editor of the international journal Computers and Geotechnics (which has a 2014 Scimago ranking of 4/154 for Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology) and a member of the editorial board for Computational Mechanics, Computers and Structures, the International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Optimization and Engineering and Engineering Computations. He has held visiting professorships at MIT and UPC (Barcelona), and is a board member for the International Association for Computational Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG).
He chaired the Engineering, Mathematics and Informatics College of Experts for the Australian Research Council in 2010, as well as Sectional Committee 5 for the Australian Academy of Science (which recommends the election of new fellows in the Applied Physical and Engineering Sciences) for the period 2011-2012. Professor Sloan is one of the world’s most highly-cited geotechnical researchers with a Scopus H-index of 38 and 12 papers with >100 citations (two of which have > 200 citations). His research interests include computational stability analysis, nonlinear finite element algorithms, geotechnical analysis, soft soils, modelling unsaturated soil behaviour, nonlinear optimization methods, and georemediation.