报告题目:Measuring Deformations with Radar
报 告 人:OriolMonserrat Senior Researcher, Head of remote sensing department of the CTTC
OriolMonserrat received the degree in Mathematics from the University of Barcelona and the Phd in Aerospatial Science and Technology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2004 and 2012 respectively. Since 2003 he has been working as a Researcher at the Active Remote Sensing Unit of the Institute of Geomatics focusing his research interest in the development of new algorithms for the exploitation of data coming from remote sensing sensors, with emphasis on SAR and Laser sensors, and mainly for its application to deformation measurement and analysis. Along these years, he has participated in different research projects both at national and international level (e.g. FP6 and FP7 EU projects like GALAHAD, SUBCOAST or ESA projects like TERRAFIRMA and PSIC4). He has authored or co -authored many papers in international Journals concerning the mentioned topics. During the last four years he has been in charge of the research line “Ground -Based SAR” at the Unit of the Active Remote Sensing. The main goals of this line are the investigation of new fields of applications of the GB-SAR Technique and the development of new algorithms for GB-SAR data exploitation. From January 2015 he is the head of the remote sensing department of the Technological Centre of Telecommunications of Catalonia(CTTC).