Dr. Shunqi Pan学术报告会--Introduction to TELEMAC suite
报告题目:Introduction to TELEMAC suite
报 告 人:Dr. Shunqi Pan Reader in Coastal Engineering Cardiff University, UK
报 告 人:Dr. Shunqi Pan Reader in Coastal Engineering Cardiff University, UK
报告时间:2015年9月9日 (星期三) 上午9:00-12:00
TELEMAC, initially developed by EDF in France, is an integrated suite of solvers for use in the field of free-surface flow. Currently, managed by a consortium including Artelia (formerly Sogreah, France), BundesAnstalt für Wasserbau (BAW, Germany), Centre d’Etudes Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales (CETMEF, France), Daresbury Laboratory (United Kingdom), Electricité de France R&D (EDF, France), and HR Wallingford (United Kingdom) under the name of TELEMAC-MASCARET, it has been further developed and refined in the context of many studies worldwide and become one of the major standards in its field. It has been recently made an open-source code.
This seminar will briefly introduce the TELEMAC suite and the setup of modelling system on desktop PCs. Examples of commonly used modules, such as TELEMAC2D, SISYPHE and TOMAWAC for modelling hydrodynamics, sediment transport and nearshore waves will also be given.