张勇教授学术报告会--Quantifying Kinetics of Bimolecular Reactions in Heterogeneous Media




报告题目:Quantifying Kinetics of Bimolecular Reactions in Heterogeneous Media
报  告 人:张勇教授,美国阿拉巴马大学地质科学系
时    间:2015年6月12日(周五)上午09:00-11:00

地    点:芝纶馆三楼会议室(308室)


Reactive transport in natural media is a multi-scale process involving pore-scale chemical reactions and the concurrent regional-scale transport. Incomplete mixing of reactants during this multi-scale process and non-Fickian diffusion observed frequently in natural heterogeneous media further affect reaction rates, making the quantification of reaction kinetics one of the most historical challenges in hydrologic sciences. In the last four years, we proposed particle-based collision and reaction theories, developed numerical solvers, and conducted laboratory experiments in exploring bimolecular reactions in porous and fractured media. We will introduce some of the validations of the new theory and models in this presentation.