地 点:江宁校区勤学楼5208
Two topics will be covered in this presentation. The first topic will introduce the long term transmission expansion planning (TEP) experience of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC). A four-step TEP process is presented followed by an improved two-stage stochastic TEP model that deals with various load profiles at different operating scenarios. The proposed algorithm is illustrated on a reduced 569 bus WECC system. The simulation results show the stochastic TEP result shows a 12% saving in new lines investment for the WECC case as compared with the deterministic planning approach. The second part of the presentation will give an overview of California ISO energy footprints and its daily reliability and the market operations.
张惠博士2008年毕业于河海大学,获工学学士学位,2013年博士毕业于美国亚利桑那州立大学。张惠博士先后任职于Western Electricity Coordinating Council(WECC),ALSTOM Grid Inc.,现就职于California ISO,任Operations Engineer,主要从事大电网实时调度及电力市场运行工作。