Drahomír Novák教授系列学术报告会--Reliability-Nonlinarity-Identification



系列报告题目: Reliability-Nonlinarity-Identification
报  告  人: Drahomír Novák教授,捷克 Brno University Technology 力学学院院长
地     点: 芝纶馆308
主 办 单 位:力学与材料学院工程力学系和国际办
    The seminars are focused on methodology, advanced software and application for statistical and reliability analysis of civil engineering structures, mainly concrete bridges. Fundamental theory and methods implemented in user-friendly reliability and finite element software will be presented first. Probabilistic analysis of concrete structures will be described as an advanced approach for concrete structures assessment. The part of seminars will be devoted to illustrative examples of applications and also software demonstrations.


系列报告一:Small-sample uncertainties simulation for engineering problems
时 间: 9月3号下午14:30
    Methods for efficient statistical, sensitivity and reliability assessment will be presented. The attention is given to the techniques which are developed for an analysis of computationally intensive problems which is typical for a nonlinear FEM analysis. The lecture will present the possibility of "randomization" of computationally intensive problems in the sense of the Monte Carlo type simulation Latin hypercube sampling. Statistical correlation is imposed by the stochastic optimization technique – the simulated annealing. The multipurpose software FReET (http://www.freet.cz) will be presented.

系列报告二:Reliability assessment of concrete structures
时 间:9月4号上午10:30
    A probabilistic approach to nonlinear fracture mechanics analysis of concrete structures will be presented. Nonlinear finite element software ATENA (http://www.cervenka.cz) is based on advanced material models with damage concept, smeared crack approach and crack band theory with fracture energy-related softening. Programs ATENA and statistical and reliability engine FReET are integrated into SARA shell in order to randomize the nonlinear fracture analysis of engineering structures. Efficient techniques of both nonlinear numerical analysis of concrete structures and stochastic simulation methods are combined in order to offer an advanced tool for assessment of realistic behavior of concrete structures and to enable virtual reliability testing. Tools are applied for many concrete structures, mainly bridges. Also deterioration aspects are taken into account (concrete carbonation, chlorides ingress, corrosion of reinforcement).
系列报告三:Material parameters and damage identification based on artificial neural networks
时 间:9月9号下午14:30
    An approach of inverse analysis to obtain parameters of a computational model in order to obtain best agreement with experimental data will be presented. The proposed inverse analysis approach is based on coupling of a computational model and the stochastic training of artificial neural network. The identification parameters play the role of basic random variables with a scatter reflecting the physical range of possible values. A novelty of the approach is the utilization of efficient small-sample simulation method Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) used for preparation of training set utilized in stochastic training of neural network. The approach can be used also for damage identification. Practical examples of identification will be presented.
   Applications: Several examples of practical applications will be presented, especially for bridges in Austria and Italy.
Software demonstration: FReET, ATENA, SARA (depends on interest of participants)
Length of each part of seminar series: app. 1 hour.
    Professor Drahomir Novak holds the Chair of Structural Mechanics at Brno University Technology, Czech Republic. He is a member of Czech Society of Mechanics, a member of Czech Standardization Committee on loading and reliability, a member of International Association FraMCoS – Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures and IABMAS. During his professional career Prof Novak has held various visiting positions in institutions around the world, including Kyoto University, Japan (1989, 1991-93); University of Innsbruck, Austria (1990, 1994); BOKU University, Austria (2013, visiting prof. from 2006); Kasetsart University, Thailand (1996, 1998, 2002, 2008); IMMS, Ltd., Thailand (2008) and Northwestern University, USA (1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2011).