程宏达(Alexander H. –D. Cheng) 教授学术报告会--Poroelasticity—An Overview



报告题目:Poroelasticity—An Overview
报 告 人:程宏达(Alexander H. –D. Cheng) 教授,美国密西西比大学工程学院院长
时    间: 2014年8月5日(周二)下午2:00
地    点: 工程力学楼三楼会议室(308室)

    Porous materials can be found in nature as inanimate bodies such as sand, soil, and rock, as living bodies such as plant tissue and animal flesh, or as man-made materials. These materials can look much different in their appearances due to their origin, but the underlying physical principles governing their mechanical behaviors can be the same.

    This talk gives discusses the mechanics of porous materials infiltrated with a fluid (poromechanics), with a focus on its linear theory (poroelasticity). The theory is explained from an intuitive, phenomenological approach at the bulk continuum level, although the derivation is based on a thermodynamic variational energy approach at the micromechanical level. Physical phenomena discussed include soil consolidation, land subsidence, slope stability, borehole failure, hydraulic fracturing, water wave and seabed interaction, earthquake aftershock and fluid injection induced seismicity, heat induced pore pressure spalling, seismoelectric and seismoelectromagnetic effect, and biomechanics of cartilage, bone, and blood vessel.

    程宏达(Alexander H. –D. Cheng)教授现任美国密西西比大学工程学院院长,并受聘为海岸带资源开发与安全学科创新引智基地(111重大国际合作计划)海外专家。程教授1974年本科毕业于台湾大学土木工程专业,1979年获得Missouri—Columbia 大学土木工程硕士学位,1981年获得Cornell University土木工程博士学位。程教授研究领域包括多孔材料力学、地下水、海水侵蚀、边界元法、无网格配置法、纳米力学等,学术成就丰硕,出版了4本专著和150余篇杂志论文。目前还担任Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements杂志主编及Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics (ASCE), Transport in Porous Media和Journal of Mechanics杂志副主编。