Malgorzata Klimek教授学术报告会--Fractional eigenvalue problem-solutions and applications
报告题目:Fractional eigenvalue problem-solutions and applications
报 告 人:Malgorzata Klimek教授,波兰琴斯托霍瓦科技大学,机械工程与计算机科学学院教授
时 间:2014年9月1日(周一)上午09:00
地 点:力学与材料学院三楼会议室(308室)
We shall present a formulation of fractional Sturm-Liouville problem (FSLP) which is an extension of the classical eigenvalue problem from differential equations theory (DET). The problem of finding eigenvalues and non-trivial eigenfunctions is meaningful both in the classical and fractional DET. Sturm-Liouville equation is given as Euler-Lagrange equation for a certain fractional action functional with the corresponding set of boundary conditions. Fractional oscillator equation as well as one-term and multi-term Legendre equations will be discussed as examples of regular and respectively singular FSLP. Main results are theorems on existence of discrete spectrum and orthogonal set of eigenfunctions for two cases of FSLP with derivatives’ order in range (0,1).