Dr. Shunqi Pan学术报告会--Modelling Coastal Processes



报告题目:Modelling Coastal Processes
报 告 人:Dr. Shunqi Pan


          Reader in Coastal Engineering

          Cardiff University, UK

报告时间:2014年4月29日 (星期二) 上午10:00-11:30


    This talk will cover some speaker’s recent research activities in modelling coastal processes. The presentation will particularly be focused on the modelling the water quality along the Jiangsu Coast, and the modelling sediment transport affected by the V–shaped breakwaters.

    For the water quality modelling, TELEMAC 2D was used to compute the distributions of CODMn and Nitrogen in the coastal environment under a number of operational scenarios of the wastewater treatment and water recycling plants proposed near the LVSI port, and water quality was assessed.

    For the sediment transport modelling, a process-based model COAST2D was used to study the wave transmission coefficient under various designs of the submerged V-shaped breakwaters, and the resulting bathymetric and volumetric changes. Comparisons with the commonly used shore-parallel breakwaters were also made.