Prof. Igor 学术报告会-- Phase change phenomena in multi component alloys
Speaker: Prof. Igor Vušanović from University of Montenegro
Title: Phase change phenomena in multi component alloys
Location: Room 308, Zhilun Building (芝纶馆308会议室)
Time: 14:30pm-16:30pm, 26th February (Wednesday,2月26日周三下午2:30)
Short Biography:
Igor Vušanović obtained his PhD Degree in 2002, gather on Purdue University (USA) and University of Montenegro. The main thrust of his research is related with mathematical and numerical modeling of phase change phenomena in multicomponent systems: macro segregation and microsegregation during the solidification of multicomponent alloys. He published his research through the 16 Journal papers, more than 30 International conferences and 10 International projects. Currently he is the position of Head of Center of Energetic at his faculty, responsible for projects in field of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable development on energetic sector.