苏众庆教授学术报告会--In-situ Guided-wave-based Health Monitoring for Train Bogie Structures: Technique Development and Application to Beijing-Shanghai High-spe
报告题目:In-situ Guided-wave-based Health Monitoring for Train Bogie Structures: Technique Development and Application to Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway
Based on the team’s research efforts over the years, an in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) technique taking advantage of guided elastic waves has been developed, and deployed via an online diagnosis system. The technique and the system were recently installed on China’s latest high-speed train model (CRH380CL) operated on Beijing−Shanghai High Speed Railway (BSHSR), the world’s longest high-speed line constructed in a single phase. The system incorporated modularized components including active sensor networks, wave generation, data acquisition, signal processing, data fusion, and results presentation. The sensor network, inspired by a concept of “decentralized standard sensing”, was integrated into bogie frames during train final assembly, to generate and acquire guided ultrasonic waves, from which a wide array of signal features were extracted. Mock-up damage affixed to the bogie was identified quantitatively, and visualized in images. This in-situ testing has demonstrated the feasibility, effectiveness, sensitivity, and reliability of the developed SHM technique and system in real-world applications.
主要研究方向:结构健康监测、弹性波传导、智能材料与结构、传感器及传感器网络技术。在香港理工大学领导的结构健康智能监测研究团队,致力于结构性能监测、检测、评价方面的基本理论、高效算法、应用技术的研究。发表90余篇高水准SCI论文,获得超过1200次的SCI引用,H-index = 19。三篇代表性论文分列结构健康监测研究领域的一流期刊NDT&E International、Journal of Sound and Vibration、Structural Health Monitoring全球排名第一、第二、前十的“最高他引文章”。自2004年以来,主持多项政府机构、工业机构及大学资助的科研项目。国际期刊Structural Engineering and Mechanics、Coupled Systems Mechanics副主编;Smart Materials and Structures、Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering 客座主编。2010年当选为欧洲结构健康监测执委会会员,及亚太结构健康监测会议执委会委员。受邀于不同国家和地区做学术报告、国际会议主题报告30 余次。
2011年获得香港理工大学“校长特设卓越成就奖(研究)”;2012年获国际“结构健康监测-年度成就奖”(Structural Health Monitoring - Person of The Year (SHM-POY) Award)(国际结构健康监测领域最高奖),为2004年设立该奖项自以来第一位获此殊荣的华人。